Tuesday 28 April 2015

Bachelet promulgated a law that puts an end to the binominal: "It was a system designed from fear"

From the Bachelet promulgated project that creates a system of proportional inclusiveness and strengthens the representativeness of the National Congress.

President Michelle Bachelet enacted the law that replaces the binominal electoral system with one of proportional inclusiveness and strengthens the representativeness of the National Congress.
In this way, after being approved by both houses of Parliament and the Constitutional Court, the initiative will be ready to become law.
Among the changes that has the initiative, is the increase of legislators in Congress. The Senate will have parliamentary 38 to 50 and the Chamber of deputies will increase from 120 to 155 the number of seats.
In addition, each region will become a constituency and districts decrease from 60 to 28.
"Today is a great day for democracy, today we have left behind the condemnation of the binominal system therefore time limited to our political representation", said the head of State.
"After 25 remove the bolt which distort the will and the involvement of people, after a long struggle today finally left behind a system that did not reflect what we are," he added.
In this line, he asserted that the binominal system "was a system designed from the fear, the fear to the self-determination of the people, the full representation, inclusion, most, full participation, competition and full democracy".

"This victory is not the imposition of one sector over another, but it is due to the dialogue between the sectors," said the President.
In this regard, he appreciated the work of all parliamentarians in Congress and former Presidents.
"I want to thank the parliamentary opposition, who were able to put an urgent need of our society, more and more democracy," Bachelet said.
"We have reaffirmed the certainty that our Parliament should be faithful expression of the nation that we have built. "Today we return to each citizen the power real their vote (...) we are betting on the generational replacement, by inclusion, by lowering the barriers to entry for new leadership and for small parties", added.
It also stressed the quota law that ensures the participation of 40% of women in politics.
"We are making a powerful gesture of gender equity, no more parliaments in imbalance, at least 40% of candidates must be female and parties that promote those candidates will receive an incentive extra," said the President.
In addition, the head of State said that "having more parliamentary isn't a victory for bureaucracy, but to the people of Chile".

"If this transformation was possible it is thanks to a citizenship, even mistrust, want changes (...) and demand more transparency, more honesty, horizontality and accountability", concluded the President.
For his part, the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo PeƱailillo, indicated that "enact today this new system is a pride for the Government, the new majority and opposition parliamentarians".
"It is a tribute to former Presidents, Aylwin Frei and Lagos. Right even had it in its program of Government, "said the Secretary of State, adding that "this historic day which puts an end to this perverse system".
"We are proud, we believe that will allow us to have a democracy where there will be a clear majority, but the minority will always have their space," said the Minister.

Information by: NadeemAhmedAdvocate

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